- The Arcus Foundation CCFU is supported by the Arcus Foundation to conduct research and implement interventions drawing on indigenous cultures to advance the conservation of chimpanzees in Uganda, particularly in the Bunyoro and Rwenzori sub regions. CCFU carried out a research on ‘Culture and the conservation of the great apes in Uganda’, has document the experiences of the state and non-state actors in conserving the chimpanzees and their habitat and other physical interventions including tree planting for forest and watershed corridor restoration, supported livelihood interventions, inter-clans chimpanzee football tournaments, among others
- Bread for the World supports the implementation of our work on cultural rights. The overall goal of this programme is to consolidate the cultural rights of Ugandans through heritage promotion. Activities include supporting collectively developed community-based plans and micro-projects in selected districts, promoting and developing the cultural resources of Indigenous Minority Groups through language and community museums promotion, heritage education for young people and promoting a conducive policy environment for safeguarding Ugandans’ cultural rights.
- British Council through its Cultural Protection Fund supports the Foundation’s culture and climate change project. The project seeks to safeguard cultural heritage sites at risk as a result of climate change in the Rwenzori and West Nile regions. Over the past 2 years, the project has supported over 25 sites in the Rwenzori and West Nile regions through documentation, mapping, marking and other physical interventions. Currently, the Foundation is implementing a restoration project for the Semei Kakungulu heritage site in Mbale City.
- Global Fund for Human Rights currently supports part of CCFU’s work with the Batwa (an Indigenous Minority Group in Bundibugyo). The support aims at promoting the Batwa’s engagement with communities and local government authorities to encourage affirmative action for the minority group and encourage reflection by the authorities on the rights of the Batwa.
- International National Trusts Organisation (INTO). CCFU is a member of INTO which has supported us to safeguard and promote our heritage through cross learning conferences and workshops; and by supporting our fundraising efforts. CCFU’s culture and climate change project is implemented in partnership with INTO.
- TotalEnergies EP Uganda is supporting CCFU to scale out activities to further safeguard and promote heritage resources within the Albertine region. Under the one-year project titled “Culture for Livelihood”, CCFU is promoting the safeguarding and documentation of culture as key to improving community and individual livelihood by supporting youth and women groups to operate cultural enterprises such as crafts and music, dance and drama groups.
- UN Women is supporting CCFU to implement a project code-named Culture for Her which aims at consolidating positive cultural resources (cultural institutions, norms, values, principles, practices and structures) to address negative cultural practices that perpetuate gender stereotypes, inequality and discrimination to end violence against women and girls (VAWG), promote sexual reproductive health rights and ease access to justice in Uganda.
- UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) supports CCFU’s work in relation to the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. CCFU implemented the ‘Promoting Intangible Culture Heritage Education in tertiary institutions in Uganda‘ project supported by UNESCO.
The Foundation was privileged to be supported by the following local and international organisations in the past:
- Action Aid Uganda worked with CCFU to examine and strengthen the engagement of cultural institutions, in recognition of their important role in contributing to local governance and social cohesion in Uganda. CCFU was also supported to strengthen the engagement of cultural institutions in the oil and gas sector. As a result, Guidelines on Oil and Gas were developed.
- Culture at work Africa supported a joint project by CCFU and the Community Peace Museums and Heritage Foundation in Kenya that sought to create new spaces for the youth to appreciate inter-cultural dialogue and explore their creativity on themes that sought to address issues of public interest. The Cultural heritage clubs in Uganda and Peace clubs in Kenya enabled guided and consistent engagement with the youth.
- Diakonia supported CCFU’s initiative to “Enhance women’s empowerment using culturally-defined rights” in selected communities in Northern Uganda (Gulu, Kitgum and Lamwo Districts). It was anticipated that, through this project, women and girls would develop their ability to use cultural values and practices in private and public spaces to defend their rights, while relevant cultural institutions were expected to increase their use of cultural values and practices in decision-making and conflict resolution fora to defend the rights of women in their area of jurisdiction.
- European Union (EU) has supported the Foundation to safeguard and promote built and natural heritage through documentation of historical buildings and sites in Kampala, Jinja, Entebbe and Fort Portal. Outputs of this project include maps of historical buildings and sites in Kampala, Jinja, Entebbe and Fort Portal, a mobile app and a book ‘Beyond Reeds and Bricks – Historical buildings and sites in Kampala, Jinja and Entebbe‘. The EU in collaboration with the SOGEA-SATOM supported CCFU to produce a book titled ‘Our Railways. Our History’, which celebrates the history of railways in Uganda, their role in the lives of Ugandans who lived and worked along them, and their place in the country’s political and economic development. This work also resulted in the establishment of the first ever Railway Museum in Uganda.
- Development Research and Training (DRT), with the Uganda National NGO Forum financed CCFU to engage 320 clan leaders from 5 regions to deliberate on their role and contribution to development, the outcome of which was the development of five Clan Leaders’ Charters – in the respective local languages and in English.
- ICCROM is supporting CCFU to document indigenous science/knowledge of local communities in Kasese and how this science/knowledge can be used to address the effects of climate change on the Ekisalhalha kya Kororo site in Kyondo sub-county.
- Irish Aid supported CCFU’s work towards the conservation of Kampala’s built heritage. With this assistance, CCFU produced and launched a map of the city’s historical sites and buildings, trained owners of historical buildings and produced documentation on selected historical edifices. This work aimed at contributing to an enhanced, sustainable protection and management of Kampala’s built heritage. It has also resulted to continued support to owners and managers of historical properties in the city and is expected to lead to legislation in regard to the preservation of historical properties in Kampala. In 2022, Irish Aid contributed money towards our ongoing crowd fundraising campaign to safeguard historic buildings, sites and monuments in Mbale City.
- Plan International worked with CCFU for some years in Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe to train its local teams on applying a ‘Culture in Development’ approach in their practice and to support the development of the second edition of CCFU’s “Introducing Culture in Development – a Training Guide for Development Practitioners”.
- Prince Claus Fund supported CCFU to document the experiences of community museums (in an overall publication with a film) and to record their collections in 12 mini-catalogues; and to disseminate these to the public. The catalogues provided a record of museum collections and continue to act as reference points of Uganda’s cultural diversity. The film highlighted the efforts of museums owners in preserving and promoting Uganda’s cultural heritage, their experiences as well their contribution to local development through income generation.
- The Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS)and the Kosmopolis Institute in the Netherlands supported CCFU to implement the “Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme (PKP)” which involved research, documentation and advocacy activities to better understand pluralism and managing diversity in the local context and engaging with PPKP regional partners in India, Indonesia and the Netherlands. The programme worked as a coalition, bringing together 5 Ugandan universities and 8 national or regional NGO partners.
- The Madhvani Group supported CCFU to launch the first ever heritage award ceremony in October 2013. The Group directly contributed to the awards given to exceptional individuals and organisations, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the preservation of Uganda’s tangible and intangible heritage.This was in the context of the 2013 International Conference of International National Trusts organisation held in Entebbe, to which several financial contributions were gratefully received.
- The Uganda National NGO Forum. As part of the Citizens’ manifesto, CCFU was supported to facilitate cultural leaders to develop “A statement by Cultural Institutions in Uganda: Expectations and Aspirations 2015-2021”.
Other friends and supporters. Over the past years, CCFU has also received support from individuals and the private sector.