The awarding ceremony
On 2nd December 2021, over 150 people participated in the youth heritage awarding ceremony in Fort Portal.
13 young people were awarded for participating and winning in a competition under the theme “Culture and communication” where they were tasked to draw or paint a cultural object and explain how they are used to communicate in their local context.
Winners of the competition were selected by a jury of cultural heritage experts from Margaret Towel School of Industrial Fine Art of Makerere University, House of Talent, Nomo Gallery and Rubaga Girls Secondary Schools. 183 entries were assessed from youth across the country and 13 best entries have been used to design the national cultural heritage calendar, 2022.
The 13 young people were awarded certificates and cash prizes to appreciate and recognise their efforts in cultural heritage preservation. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mpanga Secondary School, Kabarole district, St. Jude Secondary School, Masaka, Moyo SS, Mt.St. Mary’s College Namagunga, Masaka SS, Kanu Secondary School, Abim, Wandi Progressive School, Arua and Manafwa High School, Bududa district, for supporting this year’s winners.
The event was officiated by Hon. Harriet Nyakake, the Deputy Prime Minister of Tooro Kingdom on behalf the King of Tooro, His Royal Highness Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV. As she delivered the congratulatory message to the youngsters, she highlighted that young people play a very important role in preserving cultural heritage and appreciated stakeholders such as CCFU for supporting them through such competitions.

The Annual youth cultural heritage competition
Since 2011, CCFU has organised cultural heritage competitions that encourage young people across the country to think positively about different aspects of their cultural heritage. Young people participate in the competition by drawing or painting different cultural heritage aspects, and explaining what they mean to their communities. Winning entries are used to produce the national cultural heritage calendars.

CCFU’s Heritage education programme
For the past 10 years, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) has implemented a Heritage Education Programme which aims at enhancing young people’s appreciation of their cultural heritage. This programme involves training teachers to provide support and establish heritage clubs, provision of information on culture and motivational materials, and advocating for the inclusion of cultural heritage in the national secondary school curriculum. Using a Heritage Toolkit, CCFU has trained more than 300 (including 20 from Tooro Kigdom) secondary school teachers to establish and support 150 heritage clubs. The schools work in partnership with 21 Community Museums across the country, including Koogere Community Museum in Fort Portal City. The heritage club members have exhibited knowledge of their cultural identity (clans, totems and family linage), skills in cultural expression and performances, art and crafts, as well as an appreciation and respect for cultural diversity. The Foundation has also trained history teachers on delivering on a topic “culture and ethnic groupings in East Africa” which is new in the lower secondary school curriculum.
We appreciate all our partners for making this work possible.