Since 2016, CCFU has been supporting 8 cultural heritage clubs through the Uganda Martyrs university in Nkozi. Some of the clubs include the St. Balikuddembe in Mitala Maria, Kayabwe SS, St. Mary’s SS, Nkozi, St. Benedict SS, Kayabwe, Buwama High School, St. Henry’s SS Kyagalani and St. Mugagga SS Jjalamba among others.

During the week of 29th July, a team from CCFU visited these heritage clubs to establish their status in terms of activities implemented, plans for the coming school terms and prepare the club members for the 2024 regional and national drawing competitions.
During the visits, young people demonstrated their appreciation for culture through performances and exhibitions. They further appreciated the clubs for helping them to reconnect with their cultures, sharpen their talents and skills.
During the interaction with the schools’ administrators, they appreciated the role of heritage clubs in shaping the behaviours of learners.
Read more about CCFU’s Heritage Education Programme