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Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

The oral history of the Bagabu indigenous minority group has been documented, launched

The oral history of the Bagabu indigenous minority community has been documented, launched

On 19th November 2022, the Bagabu indigenous minority community alongside other stakeholders launched a publication – ‘The oral history, cultures and traditions of the Bagabu in Bunyampaka’ and film that illustrates the Bagabu’s oral history. Attended by 4 communities of the Bagabo living around Lake George (locally known as Lake Bunyampaka by the Bagabu), local government representatives, youth, other indigenous minorities and stakeholder, the launch event stimulated the interest of other indigenous minorities to preserve their oral history for generations.

Speaking at the event, Ernest Kasoke, the Chairperson, Muhokya sub county implored the dominant communities in  the Rwenzori to respect and promote the identities of the neighboring minority groups. He committed to publicizing the oral history of the Bagabo as a way of promoting their identity.

The District Speaker of Rubirizi district mentioned that this documentation is  a step in ensuring access to the language of indigenous minorities in elementary schools.

The documentation was supported by the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) as part of a wider initiative to promote the cultural rights of indigenous minorities in Uganda.

CCFU’s work on promoting the cultural rights of indigenous minorities

The cultural rights of ethnic minorities are especially at risk and require urgent attention (in terms of status, access to one’s language and cultural heritage, political representation and access to cultural sites). Further, ethnic minorities are often at risk of seeing their culture assimilated by more numerous neighbouring groups. CCFU therefore works with indigenous minorities to develop status reports and engage district authorities on their cultural rights.

The Foundation is also active in documenting oral histories, supporting advocacy platforms at district and national level; and developing cultural resource centres and Community Museums as sustainable enterprises.

For more information, click here

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