Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Archive Culture in Media

The East African Dec. 12th, 2016

Uganda dance on UNESCO’s heritage list

The New Vision Dec, 1st 2016

President calls for preservation of African culture, history

PPU Nov, 19th, 2016

Media’s role in local language preservation and promotion

ACME August 2016

International Cultural Fair to showcase Uganda Culture

The New Vision July, 8th 2016

Why, I nearly forgot I was Uganda’s cultural laureate

Daily Nation June 25th, 2016

Inside Kooki chiefdom’s museum

Daily Monitor June 25th, 2016

Bamba leaders accused of bias

Daily Monitor Dec. 31st, 2015

Ankole prince unveiled as demand for king resumes

Daily Monitor Dec. 31st, 2015

Acholi Kingdom gets new Prime Minister

Daily Monitor Dec. 29th, 2015

Heritage prize giving ceremony for the youth

The East African Dec. 18th, 2015

‘Managing Diversity – Uganda’s Experience’ A CCFU Publication

The Observer Dec. 7th, 2015

The Woes of Africa’s creative economy

Daily Nation Nov. 26, 2015

Kabaka of Buganda Kingdom reshuffles Cabinet Oct. 11, 2015

Promote all tourist attractions by Fredick Nsibambi, CCFU

Daily Monitor Sept. 29, 2015

Nnabagereka takes Ekisaakate to UK

Daily Monitor Sept. 10, 2015

The poor state of the creative economy across East Africa.

The East African  Aug 21, 2015

Conservatives Clash with modernists over Kasubi tombs restoration.

The East African  Jul 31, 2015

World Culture day Celebrations. Should culture be dynamic or static?

Daily Monitor May 22, 2015

Use UN convention on cultural diversity to conserve Uganda’s rich heritage?

Daily Monitor May 22, 2015

Colonial history is part of our heritage as Africans; let’s keep it

Daily Monitor 17 April, 2015

New Vision 14 April, 2015

Rwenzururu King Wants Cultural Leaders Represented In Parliament

Red pepper Tabloid  03 November, 2014

Omusinga Requests Amnesty for Rwenzori Attack Suspects

Red pepper Tabloid  20 October, 2014

Politics behind Kyabazinga

The Independent  22 September, 2014

We must preserve Culture at all costs

Daily Monitor 26th August, 2014

Why Uganda needs to ratify UN conventions on cultural expressions

New Vision 4th August, 2014

Bundibugyo to install cultural leader

New Vision 28th May, 2014

Youth urged to exploit culture sector

New Vision 19th May, 2014

Youth urged to exploit culture sector

New Vision 19th May, 2014

KCCA should safeguard the history of Kampala city

New Vision 13th May, 2014

Ndere centre, where African culture is very alive

New Vision 05th May, 2014

Imbalu: Culture, Christianity clash

New Vision 03rd March, 2014

Integrate human rights and culture

New Vision 05th February, 2014

Joshua Ipoot’s surrealist take on Karimojong culture

New Vision 30 January, 2014

I am cool and a bit laid back – Alur King Olarker.

Daily Monitor November 17th, 2013

It is the women who put food on the table in Moroto

Daily Monitor November, 16th 2013

Packaging cultural music for tourism .

The East African November15th, 2013

Cashing in on arts, cultural opportunities.

Daily Monitor November 12, 2013

‘Don’t blame culture for women’s oppression’

New Vision September 10th, 2013

Jumping the language hurdle.

Daily Monitor August 25th, 2013

‘Cultural norms a huge hindrance to girl education’

Daily Monitor August 24th, 2013

The rich Pokot culture.

New Vision May 29th, 2013

Home » Culture in the media

Nnabagereka takes Ekisaakate to UK
Daily Monitor Sept. 10th 2015

Acholi Chiefs Fault OPM for ‘Fake’ Places.

Daily Monitor Jan 20th 2013

Celebrating Evolution of the Sabiny Culture.

Daily Monitor Jan 5th 2013

Benet Cultural Festival reveals a Rich Heritage worth Preserving.

Daily Monitor Dec 31st 2012

Museveni urges Leaders to Promote Culture.

New Vision Dec 30th 2012

Timeless lessons at Culture Fair.

Daily Monitor Dec 9th 2012

Family values,Cultural roots are key.

Daily Monitor Dec 2nd 2012

In Buganda keeping culture and politics apart,is recipe for conflict

Observer Nov 15th 2012

Let’s use to Kishwahilli to unite East African Community partner states

New vision Oct 27th 2012

Rwandan First Lady promotes Uganda, Rwanda culture

New vision 2012

Taking Uganda’s different tourism prospects higher

New vision Oct 28  2012

Why kingship is illegitimate in Ankole

New vision Oct 28  2012

Alur in DRC, Uganda finally bury the hatchet over 100 years later

Daily monitor Oct 30th 2012

Thanks to Baganda, we have kanzus, kwanjula

New vision 2012

Culture: In the world of rainmakers

New vision 2012

Women’s rights violators hiding behind culture

Observer may 11th, 2012

Bunyoro MPs push for varsity

Daily Monitor April 24th, 2012

Kasubi Tombs still in ruins two years after fire

New Vision March 16th, 2012

Okot p’Bitek fought to liberate Uganda’s culture

New Vision February 02, 2012

Govt eyes cage culture to boost fish stocks

Observer August 05th, 2012

Proverb of the month

“Kicaa Pa Ladit Pe dong nono.”
“An elder’s handbag is never completely empty.”
Acholi – Northern Uganda.

June 2024
