Courtesy visit by the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)
CCFU hosted its partner the International National Trusts Organisation, a co-implementation partner of its project ‘Melting snow and rivers in flood’ which aims at mitigating the impact of climate change on cultural heritage sites in Uganda. Visits were made to cultural heritage sites were interventions to mitigate the effects of climate change have been implemented. Site visits were made at Wang-Lei cultural heritage site in Pakwach, Kyiriba Kya Thumba and Ekisalhalha Kya Kororo in Rwenzori.

The team held meetings with some of the community members who use the heritage sites and other stakeholders such as local government and cultural institutions. The community shared progress on the project and shared future plans for the sites during the meetings
Alex Lamont Bishop, the Deputy General Secretary of INTO, while addressing the communities expressed pride in how much they have done on their own to ensure that their sites are protected.
Natural flood management workshop
Our partner the International National Trusts Organisation shared knowledge and experiences on flood management using natural methods with the communities we work with in the Rwenzori region.
Over 150 members participated in the workshop at Ekisalhalha Kya Kororo heritage site in Kyondo Subcounty, Kasese district were 6 methods of natural flood management were discussed and these included; Buffer zones, afforestation, agroforestry, desilting, leaky dams, cross drains, water harvesting and ritual performance.

Nabil Abbas, from the National Trust of UK, where similar methods are being used, noted during the discussion with the community that while communities in the Rwenzori region are different from the UK in certain ways, they are similar in terms of the flood challenges faced. Therefore, some of the methods used in the UK, if tested in Uganda could work.
With guidance from the status of the two rivers, Kithengethse and Kabiri, where the methods will be tried, 4 priority methods were identified and these included; tree planting, ground cover, leaky dams and cross drains.
Justin Scully, the General Manager of Fountains Abbey, a heritage site in the UK acknowledged the fact that communities survive on the environment and will continue to require land for activities such as farming. He recommended that agroforestry can be practiced where trees are planted alongside food crops.
The community will however, choose the methods that they would like to implement. This will support the project in gaining community buy in and ownership of the interventions.
Tree planting along river banks
CCFU has supported the communities in the Rwenzori region to plant trees to cover the ground. Trees have been planted along the banks of River Kabiri and Kithengethse. These are mostly indigenous trees that were recommended by the community.

In Kyondo sub county, CCFU is supporting the community to establish a nursery bed with different tree seedlings. These will then be given to farmers to plant along river banks.
Implementation of natural flood management methods.
In January 2022, representatives of CCFU, the Uganda Wild Life Authority and a member of the community in Rwenzori will be supported to travel to the UK to receive a capacity building train natural flood management. This will enable CCFU to better support the community in implementing the methods and also foster national level advocacy for adoption of natural flood management.