Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Reach us

You have the power to help us spread the message that culture is relevant in today’s world.
CCFU welcomes your goodwill and values every donation, large and small.

Visit us at our offices on Makerere Hill, off Bativa Road, turn right at Holy Trinity Church (along Nkata Road) and follow the sign to CCFU.

+256 (0) 393 294 675/7

    How can we support you?

    Since its inception CCFU chose to work as a catalyst, stimulating other development partners to reflect on their practice and on development thinking. This approach has brought us in contact with diverse stakeholders across the country and enhanced our understanding of ‘culture in development’ in the local context.  With this experience, we are able to offer partners:

    • Tailor-made training on ‘culture in development’, cultural rights, heritage education and managing diversity
    • An opportunity to belong to a ‘community of knowledge’ on culture in development in all its aspects
    • Resources on cultural heritage by accessing CCFU’s reading room, literature and other information on opportunities to advance cultural initiatives
    • Technical advice on cultural heritage development and promotion
    • Linkages to heritage-focused supporters and funding partners
    • Individual and institutional recommendations for educational and funding support linked to cultural heritage (for partners we have worked with or whose work is known to us), as well as recommendations to participate in national and international heritage events
    • Invitations to our learning and training events as a resource person to publicise your work and competence
    • Sub-grants to implement culture-related activities linked to our programme areas

    You could also request for international assistance for programmes that are aimed at safeguarding cultural heritage inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in need of urgent safeguarding. Click here

    We invite you to contact us and share your knowledge, experiences and competence for the collective strengthening of our culture sector.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What are the opening hours of the Museum?

      The Uganda Railway Museum is open to the general public from Monday to Sunday , 9:30am _6:00pm. (Note that the museum is closed on Mondays). If you’re traveling in a group, it’s recommended you book in advance.

      How much does it cost to visit the Museum?

      Domestic tourists:

      5,000 UGX for adults; 2000 UGX for children

      International visitors:

      $5 for adults; $3 for children

      When did the Uganda Railway Museum open to the public?

      The Museum officially opened in March 2022 and it is operated by the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) in partnership with Uganda Railways Corporation (URC). The Uganda Railway Museum is a member of the Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA), the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO), and The International Committee for Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH).

      History of the Uganda Railway

      Uganda’s railways played a fundamental role in the economic, colonial and post-colonial development of the country in terms of bringing communities together, allowing access to education and other facilities, and cementing national consciousness. The introduction of the railways in Uganda followed the August 1895 Bill in the British Parliament, authorising the construction of a railway from Mombasa to the shores of Lake Victoria. This marked the beginning of the Uganda Railway, which eventually expanded all the way to Pakwach in the north and Kasese in the west.

      For many years, however, Uganda’s railways have been unused or underused, with historical artefacts (such as equipment, engines and carriages) and buildings (such as stations and workers’ cottages) falling into disrepair.

      The enormous contribution of railways to Uganda’s history cannot go uncelebrated and memories kept alive. It is for this cause that the European Union and SOGEA SATOM supported CCFU in partnership with URC to establish the Museum.

      There are ongoing government efforts to revamp Uganda’s railway transport with the rehabilitation of the northern line and the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway. The establishment of the Uganda Railway Museum complements the government of Uganda’s efforts to highlight the importance of railway transport by reinvigorating its interest among Ugandans.

      What is the role of the Uganda Railway Museum?

      Speaking on behalf of H.E. Attilio Pacifici, the Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Uganda at the grand opening of the museum in March 2022, Ms. Caroline Adriaensen, the Head of Cooperation, noted that “the museum presents a great opportunity to recognise and appreciate the history of the railways in Uganda, their role in the lives of Ugandans who lived and worked along them, and their place in the country’s political and economic development. The European Union is delighted to support the revival of this crucial infrastructure and an important piece of our collective memory in Uganda.

      His Lordship Okocha Kasolo, Mayor, Jinja City in his remarks at the opening of the museum thanked the government of Uganda for the current efforts to revive the railways, noting that if the railways are revived fully, there will be little pressure on the roads and therefore their lifespan will increase. He thanked CCFU for initiating the idea of establishing a railway museum and noted that an initiative like this will positively impact the finances of Jinja City as well as for the dwellers in the city.

      Read “Our Railways, Our History”

      The establishment of the Uganda Railways Museum is premised on the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU)’s previous works on the history of the railway in Uganda. A book titled “Our Railways, Our History” was produced in 2021 to recognise and celebrate the story of Uganda’s railway lines; explore their role in the lives of Ugandans who lived and worked along them, and their place in the country’s economic and political development. The book is available at 90,000 UGX at selected bookshops and CCFU offices in Kampala.

      CCFU’s Executive Director, Ms. Barbra Babweteera Mutambi, noted that the establishment of the Museum demonstrates the Foundation’s commitment to safeguarding historical buildings, sites and monuments.

      “We have always advocated for the safeguarding of historic buildings, sites and monuments but the establishment of the Museum gives us a chance to demonstrate to the general public how to preserve a historic building sustainably,” Ms. Babweteera said.