Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Community museums crowd fundraise to reconstruct the roof of Bunyoro historical community museum

As the country continues to experience heavy rainfall, it leaves devastating effects on communities and their properties. Bunyoro community historical  museum, a member of the Uganda Community Museums Association is a victim of the recent rains. The roof of the museum was swept off by the heavy wind destroying parts of the building that hosts the museum and several artifacts.

Crowd fundraising for re-roofing of the Bunyoro community historical museum associates 

Members of the Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA), cultural enthusiasts and the Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) spearheaded a crowd fundraising campaign to raise money for the reconstruction of the roof.

About 600,000 Uganda Shillings was raised to procure new iron sheets, cement and hire of labour to re-instate the roof of the museum building.

This initiative highly demonstrates the niche of community museums to safeguard and promote cultural heritage in communities.

CCFU’s work with community museums

Inspired by the pride and self-motivation exhibited by individuals, families, clans, and community groups to preserve and showcase their artifacts and literature, CCFU supports local initiatives to promote and preserve cultural heritage. So far we have worked with close to thirty self-motivated and dynamic individuals, groups and families, as our first partners of choice.

Community museums display unique ethnographic collections, literature, traditional instruments, all demonstrating the cultural rights of self-expression and identity by a variety of local communities.

In 2011 CCFU supported the establishment and recognition of the Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA) as an NGO, to raise the profile of the museums and link them to potential funders and other supporters.

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