In light of the alarming demolition of historical buildings and encroachment on heritage in pursuit of “city status”, many cities have lost a crucial part of their heritage, Mbarara City, one of Uganda’s cities, is no exception. This product is a result of CCFU’s partnership with with the Uganda German Cultural Society. The project successfully...Read More
Why visit the Uganda Railway Museum? A journey through East Africa’s rich heritage The Uganda Railway Museum, nestled in the heart of Jinja City, offers visitors a captivating look into East Africa’s historic railway journey. This museum is more than just a destination, it’s a centre for understanding the region’s history, challenges, and triumphs. Here...Read More
The Climate Heritage Network (CHN) has announced the launch of the “Imagining Low Carbon, Just, Climate Resilient Futures Through Culture and Heritage” project, made possible by a generous $1.25 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This transformative initiative aims to leverage culture and heritage as powerful catalysts for effective climate action, empowering communities...Read More
The National dialogue on chimpanzee conservation – using culture and community resources, 6th June 2024 The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) has organised a national level stakeholders’ dialogue that will focus on presenting emerging chimpanzee conservation issues from grassroots conservationists in Rwenzori and Bunyoro and devising conservation strategies; and creating a platform for dialogue between...Read More
With support from the International Centre for the Study of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties (ICCROM), the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda has embarked on a project whose goal is to contribute to efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change on the Ekisalhalha kya Kororo sacred cultural site using the traditional knowledge of the...Read More
The oral history of the Bagabu indigenous minority community has been documented, launched On 19th November 2022, the Bagabu indigenous minority community alongside other stakeholders launched a publication – ‘The oral history, cultures and traditions of the Bagabu in Bunyampaka’ and film that illustrates the Bagabu’s oral history. Attended by 4 communities of the Bagabo...Read More
The settlement patterns for the Bakonzo people, one of the ethnic groups neighbouring the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been changing over the years. Because of the impact of floods, the Bakonzo, who have strong attachment to snow and water bodies, are now forced to settle far away from water...Read More
CCFU visited 20 heritage clubs in the WestNile region, in the districts of Pakwach, Nebbi, Arua, and Moyo. The visits aimed at establishing the status of the heritage clubs post the Covid-19 pandemic and to develop plans for the revival of those that were severely affected. Status of the heritage clubs in schools Meetings were...Read More
Earlier known as the Freedom Tree, this tree became famous as the site of rallies in the 1950s, addressed by nationalist leaders such as I.K Musaazi and J.W Kiwanuka, prior to Uganda’s Independence in 1962. Today, it acts as a location for many community functions. CCFU’s efforts to safeguard and promote built and natural heritage...Read More
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