Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
CCFU news


Find here all the latest news and events happening at CCFU

Training of tour guides Six people have been trained in tour guiding and safeguarding cultural heritage sites in danger due to climate change. The six include: Ms. Mary Kyakimwa and Mr. Zimonia Kule (from Ekisalhalha Kya Kororo waterfall in Kyondo village, Kasese District), Mr. Damian Yonitho and Mr. Silvio Okello (from Wang-lei Cultural Heritage Centre...
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Infectious diseases have for centuries significantly affected how and where we live, our economies, our cultures and daily habits. They have changed our settlement patterns, the size of our communities, our marriage and funeral traditions, with many of these effects continuing to be felt long after diseases have been eliminated and epidemics controlled. Despite this,...
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CCFU – Culture and conservation of chimpanzees in Uganda Since 2016, CCFU has been collaborating with State and non-State conservationists and has carried out studies in the Northern Albertine rift and implemented activities to strengthen positive cultural resources to contribute forest and chimpanzee conservation. World Chimpanzee Day 2021 As we commemorate World Chimpanzee Day 2021,...
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Heritage education in the school curriculum As part of our cultural heritage education agenda for the youth, CCFU is working with the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) to ensure aspects of culture which have been incorporated in the new lower secondary school curriculum are taught and learned as effectively as possible. Training teachers to deliver...
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The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda in partnership with the Uganda Railways Corporation and with support from the European Union and SOGEA-SATOM/ETF consortium has launched a book that documents the history of the Uganda railways. The book titled “Our Railways. Our History” was launched on Europe Day, which was celebrated on May 7 at the residence...
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Much of Uganda’s national territory consists of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, swamps, whose fauna and flora provide a source of livelihood for many communities. The ancestral dependence of such communities on the resources provided by water bodies has for long been founded on indigenous knowledge that has resulted in the sustainable management of...
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In commemoration of the World Culture Day that happens annually on 21st May, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) on 20th May 2021, convened the culture sector, representatives from government ministries, departments and agencies, civil society organisations, cultural enthusiasts and the media at the Uganda National Museum for the 4th National Cultural Heritage Awards Ceremony....
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As the country continues to experience heavy rainfall, it leaves devastating effects on communities and their properties. Bunyoro community historical  museum, a member of the Uganda Community Museums Association is a victim of the recent rains. The roof of the museum was swept off by the heavy wind destroying parts of the building that hosts...
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Conservation of the chimpanzee using culture and community resources – a national stakeholders’ dialogue The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Ugaanda (CCFU), on 30th March, 2021 convened a national stakeholders in a dialogue in Kampala to discuss how practical cultural and community resources can be harnessed to conserve chimpanzees in Uganda by: Sharing on cultural and community...
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On the 23rd of February, CCFU convened national stakeholders such as civil society organisations, government departments, ministries and agencies, private sector, cultural institutions and representatives from the British Council in Uganda to share experiences on the impact of climate change on cultural heritage sites and natural flood management in the Rwenzori and Alur regions. Discussions...
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