CCFU joins the Climate Heritage Network We are proud to announce that we have joined the Climate Heritage Network, which focuses on mobilising arts, culture and heritage for climate action. As part of the 41 newest members of the Network, we are looking forward to learning from other members of the network to enrich our...Read More
About the training As part of CCFU’s efforts to root our formal education in the cultural contexts of our communities, we are collaborating with the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) to conduct a series of training sessions for history teachers on the pedagogics and specifics of cultural heritage. The focus is on delivering on the...Read More
The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is committed to supporting and promoting the cultural and other rights and wellbeing of indigenous minority groups (IMGs) in Uganda. In our experience, a major challenge hampering the access and realisation of the rights of IMGs is the lack of clarity on their distinct identities in terms of traditional...Read More
The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is committed to supporting and promoting the cultural and other rights and wellbeing of the Batwa community in Bundibugyo. We, however, recognise that these rights and wellbeing are multipronged, demanding the services and support of various other stakeholders: representatives of the Batwa community, the local government, civil society organisations,...Read More
Community museums as centres of cultural entrepreneurship The world believes in the notion that community museums can only serve community tourism purposes because of their nature of operation. CCFU believes community museums can diversify their activities to generate income and sustain their operations. CCFU is experimenting the practicability of this belief by extending financial support...Read More
Our mid-year retreat Our mid-year retreat hinged on reflections on our programmes and re-planning where it was necessary, following up on progress of our 2021 Annual Plan, and re-planning activities to suit the current Covid-19 situation. It is important for us to position ourselves to suit the national agenda, understand how we can contribute and...Read More
With support from the Arcus Foundation, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is implementing the Culture For Chimps project (2021-2023) in Bunyoro and the Rwenzori sub-region to strengthen the conservation of chimpanzees by re-inforcing cultural mechanisms and supporting collaboration. This is based on the conclusions of studies and interventions in the last 3 years which...Read More
A youth radio-based heritage competition As the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage Uganda, Government has closed schools and other public spaces including museums. To continue engaging young people in the safeguarding of their cultural resources, CCFU is conducting radio-based competitions. In April and May, the competition was held in the 3 regions...Read More
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, 2021 Indigenous Minority Groups (IMGs) in Uganda have demanded for the Covid-19 vaccine. It has been observed that only few of them have been vaccinated and these are mostly people who live in towns and are employed by the government. The demand was made during a virtual event...Read More
Radio talk shows The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) in partnership with the cultural institutions of Acholi, Tooro, Alur and Karamoja conducted radio-based programmes and transmitted spot-on messages to; condemn all acts of violence against women and girls (VAW/G) in their communities and to raise awareness among the population on the relevant cultural resources and...Read More
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