Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7


The settlement patterns for the Bakonzo people, one of the ethnic groups neighbouring the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been changing over the years. Because of the impact of floods, the Bakonzo, who have strong attachment to snow and water bodies, are now forced to settle far away from water...
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CCFU visited 20 heritage clubs in the WestNile region, in the districts of Pakwach, Nebbi, Arua, and Moyo. The visits aimed at establishing the status of the heritage clubs post the Covid-19 pandemic and to develop plans for the revival of those that were severely affected. Status of the heritage clubs in schools Meetings were...
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Earlier known as the Freedom Tree, this tree became famous as the site of rallies in the 1950s, addressed by nationalist leaders such as I.K Musaazi and J.W Kiwanuka, prior to Uganda’s Independence in 1962. Today, it acts as a location for many community functions. CCFU’s efforts to safeguard and promote built and natural heritage...
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We are delighted to announce that CCFU is one of the 5 recipients of the International National Trust Organisation (INTO) Excellence Awards. The award was received by our Executive Director, Ms. Barbra Babweteera during the International Conference for National Trusts (ICNT) organised by INTO in Dundee, Scotland in October 2022. CCFU was awarded in recognition...
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The 4 day retreat which aimed at retooling coordinators to train new patrons and discuss programme achievements, challenges, and new ideas took place from 4th – 7th of October at Pretoria Hotel in Mbale City. It was attended by over 24 coordinators, who also serve as community museums curators from across the country , cultural...
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The UN COP27 climate talks, are now under way in Egypt. We are delighted to be in attendance, to bring the Ugandan voice to the conference. Our own Simon Musasizi, the Heritage Trust Programme Manager is speaking at several events from the 11th to the 15th of November, 2022. Our focus will be on our...
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Canon Apollo Teachers’ College is also among the first educational establishments in Fort Portal. Many of its early buildings were destroyed by an earthquake. The current chapel, probably built in 1961 with volcanic rocks, is of a striking design. Open to the public with permission  CCFU’s efforts to safeguard and promote built and natural heritage...
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On the 8th of December 2022, CCFU will convene cultural institutions, cultural leaders, civil society organisations, and government ministries, departments, and agencies to launch and disseminate findings on exemplar cultural resources that are address violence against women and girls in the communities of Acholi, Alur, Buganda, Busoga, Karamoja and Tooro. It is also to trigger...
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The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is organising its 11th Annual Youth Cultural Heritage Awarding Ceremony that will take place on 1st December 2022, at the Uganda National Museum, from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. This event is organised to recognise and appreciate 13 young winners of the 2022 Youth cultural heritage competition, celebrate 11...
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Introduction to the research on the contribution of Private Forest Owners to Chimpanzee Conservation CCFU has finalised a research that aimed at profiling and discussing the experiences and contribution of Private Forest Owners (PFOs) in the Bunyoro area in Uganda. It sought to define PFOs, understand their working context, delimit their contribution, understand their challenges,...
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