Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Engaging the media on cultural rights and heritage in Western Uganda

Introduction and objectives of the Workshop

As part of its Cultural Rights and Media programme, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) held a two-day workshop (11th and 12th July, 2023) for media actors drawn from Ankole and Kigezi regions at Dream Wood Courts in Mbarara City, Western Uganda. The 32 media actors involved journalists and editors from radio, television, digital and print media.

The main objective of the workshop was to influence media reporting on the notion of cultural rights and heritage, and specifically to: deepen one’s appreciation of the notion of cultural rights and cultural heritage in relation to media reporting, discuss how cultural rights and heritage promotion can be mainstreamed into media reporting as pertinent and topical issues

Field excursion to appreciate heritage

As part of the CCFU’s Cultural Rights and Media course, media actors are provided with an opportunity to visit heritage/historical sites. During this workshop the media team visited the East Africa Revival Museum, established by the Ankole Diocese, in Mbarara.

The East Africa Revival Museum was established in 2016 to provide evidence about the evangelical spiritual awakening movement synonymous with the Anglican Church of Uganda, simply described as okulokoka in Luganda and to establish a source of income for the diocese through tourism and entertainment. The museum is housed in a building used by the Christian Missionary Society around 1930 and has been the home of the past 5 Bishops of the Ankole Diocese. In 2023, the Ankole Diocese received a National Heritage Prize for this heritage promotion effort.

After a guided tour of the museum, the media was privileged to interview the Rt. Rev. Dr. Fred Sheldon Mwesigwa, Bishop of Ankole Diocese about heritage promotion efforts and other cultural endeavors in the region.

Background to CCFU’s Cultural Rights and Media Programme

CCFU has engaged media actors through capacity building events to influence their attitudes and perceptions towards culture and promote positive media reporting on the notion of cultural rights and heritage. In  some cases the Foundation has facilitated selected journalists to develop stories related to various themes on cultural heritage promotion. Previous capacity building events have been conducted at the national level and have been attended by journalists and editors, especially those interested in cultural rights and heritage issues

The Media and Cultural Rights Programme is part of the CCFU’s Cultural Rights Promotion programme that involves advocacy for the cultural rights of indigenous minority groups, rights of women, working with civil society, including the media, and other groups.

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