Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Announcing the 2023 youth cultural heritage competition

The 2023 competition 

This year’s competition will focus on culture and money. Our aim is to teach young people that there are cultural activities and resources in their communities that they can use to earn money – hence promoting cultural enterprises in Uganda.

How to participate

Young people below the age of 21 are tasked to draw or paint a cultural activity, or object through which one can make money. They are also required to explain the processes involved in using the activity or object to make money in their communities. The competition is open to young people in and out of school.

How to submit entries

Submit your entry, before 31st August 2023, to:

  1. A Heritage club patron
  2. The nearest community museum
  3. The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda
  4. The Uganda Museum
  5. The straight Talk Foundation
  6. The National Theatre
  7. The Nnabagereka Development Foundation
  8. The Uganda Railway Museum

About the competition

For the past 11 years, CCFU organises a competition to boost their participation and contribution to cultural heritage preservation and safeguarding.

Young people are presented with a theme and are tasked to draw or paint a picture of an object or instrument in relation to the theme.

A team of cultural experts then select the best 13 entries which are used to produce the CCFU National Cultural Heritage Calendar.  Winners are awarded cash and other prizes in a grand ceremony.

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