Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Celebrating the Annual National Youth Heritage Awards 2020

Every year, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda organizes a national youth heritage competition for young people in and out of the school heritage clubs. The competition is intended to foster an appreciation of Uganda’s diverse cultural heritage resources through young hands and eyes.

In 2020, the competition focused on our cultural and historical sites. Young people were tasked to draw or paint any cultural or historical site and explain its importance in the community. Unlike the previous competitions, this year, participants in the competition had to explain their importance of the sites both in English and local languages, as a way of promoting the use of local languages among young people.

13 winners were selected by a team of cultural experts and their entries were used to design and produce the 2021 Heritage Calendar.

Due to Covid-19, CCFU was unable to host the youngsters for the annual awarding ceremony this year. We, however, held scientific one on ones to award them for their effort.

About the Heritage Education Programme

Since 2011, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) has implemented a heritage education programme whose main goal is to enhance the appreciation of Uganda’s diverse cultural heritage through young people. The implementation of the programme is guided by three inter-linked objectives which include;(i) enhancing the appreciation of cultural heritage in secondary schools through improved knowledge and skills; (ii) promoting the development of the cultural heritage resources in the vicinity of schools by supporting community museums and other culture-focused initiatives; and (iii) Raising the profile of cultural heritage nationally through the Inter-club competitions, annual national youth heritage competition and other such initiatives. The implementation of the project is anchored on 21 community museums (coordinators) spread in 29 districts of Uganda