Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

Cultural leaders, local government representatives and human rights organisations call for the realisation of cultural rights

The cultural rights training 

We conducted a  training to enhance the capacity of the cultural leaders, human rights organisations and local government representatives  from Masaka, Kyotera, Kalangala, Kalungu and Rakai to appreciate the notion of cultural rights and how cultural rights contribute to sustainable development.

Participants at the training issued a statement to advocate for the realisation of cultural rights in Uganda.

 Organisations represented:

  1.  Masaka City NGO Forum
  2. Masaka District Local Government
  3. Rakai District Local Government
  4. Justice Centres Uganda (Masaka Office)
  5. Uganda Human Rights Commission (Masaka Office)
  6. Kalangala Human Rights Defenders Network
  7. Kalisizo Town Council
  8. Focused Youth for Sustainable Development
  9. Ideal Woman
  10. Buddu County (Ekitongole Ky’ebyenjigiriza)
  11. Obwakamuswaga
  12. Uganda ey’enkya
  13. Human Rights Defenders Masaka
  14. COREVU Charities Uganda
  15. Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV/AIDS (MADIPHA)
  16. Women and Girls Development Initiative
  17. Child Care
  18. Rakai Counsellors Association (RACA)

 We the representatives of the above organisations stress that:

Cultural institutions need to promote cultural inclusivity and diversity and revive spaces such as fireplaces for young people to appreciate and promote their own cultures. Cultural institutions should conduct radio talk shows for young people to share their experiences in the safeguarding of cultural heritage and for mobilising their fellow young people to promote cultural inclusivity and expressions. Cultural leaders should revive clan reunions annually to promote cultural values among young people. They should also document and publicise information about different cultural resources.

Human rights organisations and Human Rights defenders should recognise cultural rights as the motherboard for the realisation of all other categories of human rights such as economic, social, civil and political rights. Human rights organisations should mainstream cultural rights in other categories of human rights.

Local government authorities need to mainstream culture in the district development plans, policies, programmes and budgets at all Local Government levels. They should also assign a culture-focal person within the district to take care of culture-related activities. They should also come up with relevant bye-laws and ordinances to protect and promote culture. They should prioritise the need to promote cultural diversity by modifying existing structures that promote cultural rights.









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