Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7
Makerere Hill, off Bativa road, Kampala | +256 (0) 393 294 675/7

8 Heritage promoters awarded during the 5th National Heritage Awards

The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU), with the support of Bread for the World (BftW) and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Gender and Social Development, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, has today held the 5th edition of the National Heritage Awards to celebrate Uganda’s rich and diverse cultural heritage at Ham Mukasa Residence in Mengo.

Every after two years, CCFU organises the National Heritage Awards to recognise and motivate individuals, families, communities and organisations that have contributed to the safeguarding and promoting of Uganda’s cultural heritage. The Awards are meant to honour exemplary people that have contributed to the safeguarding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, increase public awareness and appreciation of our diversity.

Initiated in 2013, CCFU has so far recognised 21 awardees, among them the Ham Mukasa Family that was awarded in 2013 for their outstanding effort in safeguarding Ham Mukasa residence in Mukono. In order to highlight the role of historical properties and advocate for their protection in these contemporary times, this year’s event has been organised at Ham Mukasa’s House (Kewerimidde) in Rubaga-Kampala.

The National Heritage Awards responds to the urgent need to safeguard and promote Uganda’s rapidly vanishing cultural heritage. As we received this heritage from our ancestors, we have the responsibility to define what aspects of our heritage should be preserved and passed on to future generations. Uganda is a country endowed with a rich cultural heritage composed of both tangible and intangible elements. These if well protected could become a vehicle for economic development through many ways including cultural tourism and in promoting social cohesion”, noted Barbra Babweteera, CCFU’s Executive Director.

The 4th target of Sustainable Development Goal 11 calls for the strengthening of efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage. This reflects the global realisation that many urban cities are fast expanding and stand the risk of losing their historical and cultural identity, if heritage infrastructure and associated cultural values are not preserved and promoted. 

The European Union in Uganda has stood with CCFU in the promotion and preservation of Uganda’s heritage. This event was presided over by H.E Jan Sadek, the Head of Delegation of the European Union in Uganda, alongside Dr. Dominic Mondrugo-Ogo, the Deputy Secretary General of the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO (UNATCOM). The Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development were represented.

In his remarks H.E Jan Sadek noted that the European Union recognises the importance of heritage awards and their contribution to inspiring individuals and groups of Ugandans to protect and promote cultural heritage. He added that Uganda is rich in cultural heritage in terms of cultural heritage sites, historical cities, museums and monuments, knowledge and practices and that is why the European Union partnered with CCFU to establish the Uganda Railway Museum in March 2022.

On behalf of the European Union in Uganda, he committed to continue supporting the safeguarding and promotion of Uganda’s heritage.

The 5th National Heritage Awardees.

8 Heritage Awards have been presented today to the following;

Tangible Heritage Awards Category

  1. The Ankole Diocese in Mbarara for establishing the East African revival Museum
  2. Hana Longole of Moroto for her lead role in the establishment and management of the Ateker Cultural Centre in Moroto
  3. The College of Health Sciences at Makerere University that has preserved rare medical records at Albert Cook Library

Intangible Heritage Awards Category

  • The Francis Walakira Family located at Mpambire, along Masaka road. These are royal drum makers and have passed on the knowledge and the skills to the younger generations.
  • Judith Bakirya of Jinja for conserving and promoting indigenous/herbal medicine
  • Dr. Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare for promoting oral literature, traditional music. Dr. Mirembe is an Associate Professor of Drama/Theatre, a playwrighter and folklorist.

Heritage Press Award

  • Bismac Amumpaire for using diverse media, including television and social media to report on cultural heritage

Special Recognition Heritage Award

  • Rose Mwanja Nkaale for her contribution to the cultural heritage sector during her tenure of service in the department of museums and monuments

This year, each awardee has received two million five hundred thousand Uganda shillings (2.5 million) cash prize to contribute to their efforts in heritage preservation and promotion. More details about the awardees are here.

About CCFU and heritage safeguarding efforts

To strengthen efforts towards the conservation, protection and safeguarding of Uganda’s cultural heritage, CCFU has documented historical buildings, sites and monuments in the cities of Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja and Fort Portal and developed a map and an app that tells their history and significance.

To demonstrate how historic properties can be turned around, CCFU restored the historic building at Jinja Railway Station and turned into a national railway museum. We also documented, mapped and marked cultural heritage sites (including their intangible cultural heritage aspects) at risk from climate change in the Rwenzori and Alur regions and as well constructed a retainer all at the Wang-lei cultural heritage site in Packwach to prevent it from being washed away by the flooding River Nile.

To advocate for young people’s appreciation, the Foundation, through the support of UNESCO established the Bachelor of Cultural Heritage Studies Course which is currently being taught in 4 Uganda’s universities. CCFU has also worked with the National Curriculum Development Centre to incorporate some elements of culture in the lower secondary curriculum.

CCFU is a national NGO dedicated to promoting an appreciation of culture as vital for human development that responds to our diverse identities.

For more information on CCFU, please visit or contact us on +256393294675 /